
Give your love Today!

DSCN2049You really have something to contribute to the lives of others.  Make this day one where you honor the potential that Spirit inspires in you.  Whatever you can share from your heart and soul, makes a difference in the world.  Anyone can feel overwhelmed with the suffering and poverty that we encounter these days.  Even so, there is so much good that is within you and others that is worthy of expressing.  You have something meaningful to share!  It may be something simple or practical that is helpful to someone, or perhaps it is offering encouragement of someone who is not feeling as strong as they need to be today.  Your selfless service is a blessing to others.  Be generous with your love and kindness and that truly makes the world a better place.                                 Know that You are Loved!   Rev. Barb Walley

Awareness Keys

Shanti and me on a walk at Ananda

I am so blessed to be living in a time when we are growing ever more aware of our spiritual truths.  I live in a community of souls who choose to be aware and conscious of what is going on within and around us to the best of our current ability.  We have so many opportunities to clean the inner perceptions that block our experience of Joy and Divine Presence because we live in a community dedicated to growing spiritually.

Swami Kriyananda wrote a wonderful book of affirmations that I enjoy using as one of my daily spiritual tools called “Affirmations for Self-Healing”.   In it he wrote:  “Man needs to learn to change his focus from what he is #aware of  to what he is #aware with.  He needs to become more aware at the source of his awareness, at his deepest center, God.  Through this awareness, his enjoyment even of the surrounding world becomes intensified a thousandfold.”  I hope you enjoy one of his affirmations and prayers as follows:

Affirm:  I behold the world with eyes of calmness and of faith.  For I know that, as I view others, so will I myself become.

When we accept that #awareness and let it come up every time we delude ourselves into thinking that our judgments are about anyone but ourselves, we can free ourselves to live in more joy.

Prayer:  Infuse me, from my deepest center, with Thy joy.  Make me aware of Thee, my divine Beloved, in all that I behold.

May your days be filled with the joyful Presence and Omnipresent good.

Know that you are loved and blessed.  Namaste,  Rev. Barb

Mental Blocks

Wherever you are in this moment, high or low, all of your feelings will change.

Do you ever feel like your mind is stuck in a mental fog or blind spot that you have a hard time moving out of.  When I slip into a mindset that is limiting, I know that I have identified myself with the small self or our shadow.  We can only see what it can see, know what it knows and experience only what it can imagine.  When the mind is replaying the past, the same thoughts build a wall that blocks the free flow of possibilities from reaching our awareness.  Albert Einstein said,  “Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.”

I believe that there is a Power within us that is a power that comes from the Source of Life at the center of everyone’s being.  I know that this Presence never has any mental blocks because it has no identity with insufficiency or inadequacy on any level of its being.

One of my favorite quotes from Dr. Ernest Holmes is:

Thou art the center and circumference of my life.                                                             The beginningless and endless part of me.                                                                         The eternal Reality of me;                                                                                                 The everlasting Power within me;                                                                                  The eternal Good working through me;                                                                        The Infinite Love impelling me;                                                                                     The limitless Peace and Calm within me;                                                                     The Perfect Life, living through and in me;                                                                 The joy of the Soul and Light of the Spirit, Illumining me.                                         O Lord, God, Eternal and forever Blesses, Thou art my whole being!

Dr. Holmes said that “any wall which keeps you from the greater good is built by mental blocks, cemented together by fear and unbelief, mixed in the mortar of negative experiences.”

I hope you will join me in tearing down any wall within you, that blocks your ability to see the sun shining behind the clouds.  The energy and power that fills the oceans and flows in every river, flows within you.  It is your very breath.  Take a deep breath right now and savor it.

Today I invite you to merge with the eternal river of life.  Let it fill your cup to over flowing, like the rains coming down from the sky.  Join me in declaring that every step that you take is guided and guarded.  You can become #Self Realized.

If  you would like to take my “River of Life” class, please email me and I would be happy

Joy To You,  Rev. Barb