
Monkey Mind goes Non-Stop

Have you ever noticed that there is a voice within you that never shuts up?  I really put a significant amount of effort to keep my own Prakriti 7energy focused and uplifting and there are times when that crazy making “monkey mind” can run over my best of intentions.

Most of us make all kinds of attempts at changing something on the outside when the issue is within us.  Our psyche is on over load when we cannot break through and move past the incessant mind that is constantly telling us what to do and what not to do.  It is always directing our lives to one thing or another, dividing our attention, our thoughts, our likes and dislikes.  Always passing approving and disapproving opinions of everyone and everything.

Monkey Mind starts problems within us and divides our energy. exhausting us and consuming the best of our potential creativity.  It always has an issue that needs our attention and it goes on and on until we get caught up in trying to fix something on the outside that cannot be fixed from a broken mental outlook.  Endless problems will only take us into endless circles of fear, grief and anxiety.

We want to fix it, and ourselves and stop the nutty suggestions that our minds make up to solve some inner concern that it makes up.  It is a delusion and a full out lie based in fear that was generated from a very dysfunctional and disturbed part of our psyche.  Monkey Mind misleads us and wastes our energy.

The problem that is really bothering us is rooted in some thought or belief that we are feeling such as we are “not enough” and do we do not feel complete in ourselves.  So whatever the root issue, we have to get to that because the Monkey Mind will make endless attempts to divert us away from the truth that is the core issue that we are not fully aware of and is hiding from the light of awareness.

Observe your own thoughts for a while. Write them down in a journal if you can. Be a dedicated watcher of your most inward thoughts.  You are not those thoughts!  You are the one who is aware and watching the thinking and where  those thoughts, if believed, can take you.

Stay with me.  We will be going ever more deeply into your true Self.

Know that you are Loved,   Blessings and Joy,  Rev. Barb

Communicating from the Heart

Rev Barb at Ananda gardens


For many years now, I have been dedicated to creating conscious, honest and connected communication.  My early years were spent with people that were snappy or brisk and it left several imprints upon me as well as an overly sensitivity.  Now that I have done a lot of inner work, I grown in different ways than my early family and mentors.  That does not mean that I am perfect at it nor does it mean that I am always charming, overly enthusiastic or bubbly in my relationships. It is a practice and I know that I am enough.  What it means is that I am mostly conscious, I am doing my best and I am being authentic in my communications with others.  I speak, listen and take actions from my heart and I am dedicated to making course corrections as I go and I am being genuine in my connections.

We know when we have not had a successful connect and communications with others. There is a distance and a lack of harmony.  The communication is not at all heart centered and we do not feel a connection.  It feels like a wall is in the way.  When I feel the frustration of not being more effective, this feeling inspires me to call upon Spirit and I release it as best I can.  I address the situation with my most authentic attention, and I have practices that ground me in my heart and it does affect my communications and relationships in divine timing.

When I am tired or not feeling as good as I can, I notice that the energy of a genuine connection is missing and it leaves me feeling disconnected.  When I make a heart centered connection with myself and others, I have a greater feeling of being whole, genuine and it boosts my self respect.

This week, perhaps you are willing to practice heart centered communication with the people in your life.  It is well worth the outcome and saves a whole lot of energy that is wasted in second guessing ourselves.

Know that You are Loved.  Blessings,  Rev. Barb