
life coach**, spiritual counseling, spiritual counseling, life coach nevada city, spiritual counselor nevada city, wellness coach , christian counseling, spiritual therapist, online counselingA Message from Reverend Barbara Walley:

“The greatest privilege of a human life is to become a midwife to the awakening of the Soul in another person.” – Plato

Hello.  I want to share a little about myself and the formal training that I began 20 plus years ago.  I am a Spiritual Life Coach now and was an active New Thought Spiritual Leader for over 15 years in Toledo, Ohio.  I am also a licensed and ordained minister with Centers for Spiritual Living.

I began my journey as a spiritual student at Long Beach City College in California when I was first introduced to comparative religions.  My thirst for knowledge was ignited by a wonderful teacher who opened my mind to common spiritual threads.  Ever since then I have had a constant interest and thirst for realizing Spiritual truths.

In 1978 I was introduced to “A Course In Miracles”.  I was blessed to be among a small group that took  classes with Marianne Williamson when she taught in Santa Monica and Hollywood.  I first spent time seeking and learning about self-realization at Self Realization Fellowship at the Lake Shrine temple on Sunset Boulevard where the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda  are taught to this day.  I began their weekly lessons and developed a thirst to travel the path of Kriya Yoga.

In 1980 I was blessed to discover  the Science of Mind by Dr. Ernest Holmes and have been on the New Thought-Ancient Wisdom path since that time.  I wanted to share the insights and growing awareness with others and did so on my cable television show that I produced for seven plus years featuring authors such as Mark Victor Hansen, produced a video of Jack Canfield, Dr. Peggy Bassett, Dr. Dominic Poliferone, Dr. Margaret Stevens and many other New Thought greats.

At the time I was working in Public Relations in the Entertainment Industry and worked in all forms of media relations including radio, television and print media.  I worked on a variety of projects from celebrity centered events including music,  sports, non-profit, television and films.

Throughout 1989-1996 I took many classes to prepare myself to serve as a Prayer Practitioner of Religious Science.  I received my license in 1993 from the Huntington Beach Church of Religious Science, a wonderful center that Dr. Peggy Bassett began.  In May of 1996 I graduated from ministerial training with Dr. Frank and Anita Richelieu at the Redondo Beach Church of Religious Science in California.

When the initial training concluded, new life lessons began that included areas of growth and transformation that awakened greater depth and realization.  I learned so much about myself and others. I spoke each Sunday and teaching classes during the week provided many opportunities to grow, stretch and serve others.  I realized how I related to others in the day to day ins and outs; the joys and disappointments;  the working out of details, teaching classes, the relationships that come and those that go.  Both made a contribution to my life.  I have been blessed in so many ways. What I share with you in my blogs is what I have learned personally along the way.  I will share my joys, successes and some of my failures and what I have come to realize about myself, others and life that has helped me continue on the spiritual path with a deepening commitment and gratitude to God.

I will share the spiritual tools that I use.  I will give you’re my heart centered honesty and always give you the best that I have within me.  I will share what I have realized about using these tools and I will encourage you to try them out.  You may like one and not another.  I will simply offer them to you.

I have a very universal approach to my spiritual path.  I use tools that belong to many wisdom teachers and masters.  I am a life long learner and I am also a committed teacher.  I have become a Kriya Yoga practitioner for about six years now and I have developed a deep love for the practice of Raja Yoga and the ageless wisdom that can be found in the Bhagavad Gita and other great spiritual resources.

I have dedicated my life and all of my work to God.  My intention is to love and serve Spirit in all that I am and all that I do.  My heartfelt intention is to help you find Spiritual Life tools that serves your spiritual growth and transformation and helps you go more deeply into a personal relationship with God .

In Loves Grace,  Rev. Barb Walley