
Our Hearts Natural Love Part 1

DSCN2146Many of us have been on an inner spiritual journey for quite some time.  For many years I looked for love in the most ridiculous places until I finally looked for it within myself.  I felt that God was Love and being one with God, I too am meant to be love.  If that was true, I wanted to feel and express love at all times, in all relationships and certainly within myself.   After many years of seeking truth and awareness, and working daily spiritual practice of applying the tools of Self Realization, I feel that I growing daily toward the “Hearts Natural Love,” in me.  This is a journey that is a process that keeps on growing.  God is not done with me yet.  This is a term I found in a book by Paramhansa Yogananda’s  (who wrote “The Autobiography of a Yogi”) guru, Swami Shri Yukteswar, who wrote “The Holy Science.”  It is a small priceless treasure of a book that I have close at hand and I keep very close to my heart.

When I first heard the term, the Hearts Natural Love, something inside of me was energized and saying “yes”.  I felt my heart open up to something I was about to explore for many years to come that caused me to seek a deeper and more universal understanding.  Our heart has profound wisdom that can lead us to God, wisdom and eventually Self Realization.  Our ego and our head on the other hand, has many opinions, conditions, distractions, reactions, flaws and obstacles that prevent us from expressing the hearts natural love.

Taking my own spiritual growth to heart I knew there was a lot of work for me to do. Opening my heart helps me learn better ways to serve God with greater energy and ever deepening dedication.  I am always working on the daily “Practicing of the Presence” by consciously knowing that “God is the doer”.  That is when I witness the growth in my own awareness and attune myself to my highest self rather than being caught in any unholy habits of trying to manipulate or have power over anyone else but me.

Shri Yukteswar wrote about eight obstacles to the hearts natural love and he called them “meannesses of the heart.”  The following is his list of traps that prevent our hearts from becoming perfectly purified.  At Ananda we do that with meditation and using the techniques of Kriya Yoga that help us reach the spiritual eye and light within us.  Many old habits block us from going deeper into spiritual substance within us and gaining the deep realization that we seek beyond the intellect.

Hatred: dislike, loathing, animosity, disgust, aversion- all are the opposite of love.

Shame: dishonor, humiliation, embarrassment, disgrace, dishonor, degrade, discredit.

Fear: dread, terror, anxiety, fright, worry, concern, afraid, alarm, panic, horror

Grief: heartache, pain, misery, unhappiness, sorrow, angst

Condemnation:  blame, disapproval, criticism, attack, judgment

Race Prejudice: People of influence who prejudge others set the stage for institutional racism to occur.

Pride of Pedigree: Proud of being in an elite and privileged group.

Smugness: arrogance, self-satisfaction, conceit, self righteousness, self importance, over confidence, condescension, pride, exclusiveness

Most of us will find some thing on this list that we still have some work to do upon.  If not, good for you.

If you would like to join me in exploring how the above thoughts or issues impact your relationships in your life, or in yourself, your family, in the work place, in your security, social actions and attitudes.  Who are you honest with?  This is a wonderful opportunity to get support on your spiritual journey.  I invite you to take advantage of it.

Perhaps you are willing to take a look at the above attitudes and behaviors and see what comes to you.  If you need to shift or change something within you to make the world a better place, now is a great time to do just that.  What I seek to share with you in this series of blogs is an opportunity to go more deeply into reflection over the next few blogs and in my book in development.

Share your thoughts, your struggles, victories and insights.  Lets see who is in this process with me that intends to grow and make a difference.  The world needs all hands on deck now.  “Be a part of the Change.”  We all grow a little faster with the help of our friends along the path.  I hope that you will share some of your process so we can all encourage one another and dissolve any doubts that blocks our peace and understanding with a little help of our spiritual friends.  You are not alone!  If that touched a vulnerable place in you…. put your hand on your heart and breath deeply.  Then write me a post and tell me how I can help, what is up, do you need to share something now?

I ask you to look at this as both a student and for those of us that are also teachers to make sure we are revealing the keys to our inner kingdom of divine consciousness in all of our thoughts, beliefs and actions.  This journey demands self-control and honesty and lots of prayer for assistance from God to help us discover the joy of living in tune with the Infinite.

Know that You are Loved!   Rev. Barb Walley

Responding or Reacting

DDSCN2674o you know where your last thought came from?  After many years of study I have come to believe that most of our thoughts and feelings are rooted in the subconscious mind.   Everything that is hidden within us comes from the past, from our history in this life or a past life.  All automatic thoughts, attitudes and related feelings are rooted in the subconscious mind.  The ancient yogic teachings reveal that we bring many of our life patterns into this life, to overcome, to release, and to help us gain the lessons that those patterns reveal to us.  They are all automatic behaviors, likes and dislikes, wants and don’t want.

If someone says something to you that pushes a button in you, you can guarantee it is coming from the subconscious.  The conscious mind is not as reactive as the subconscious, that is endlessly repetitive and reveals itself in the reactive thoughts, attitudes and beliefs we have.  When you feel triggered, do you ask… where did this come from? Why do I feel so bothered by this situation, whether a comment someone says, or a behavior they express, or any situation that comes up that you have a charge about.  It is all coming up from the unconscious mind.

What I see from the patterns in my life, is that I have a reactive part of me that I want to eliminate so that I can live more freely.  We are not really free if the least little thing can push us over the edge emotionally and trigger a whole lot of thoughts and feelings that disturb our well being in a nano-second.

Learning to respond instead of reacting is a huge leap into greater spiritual freedom.  Our greatest growth comes from being more attuned to what is real and what is true.   The Master Jesus reminds us that “the truth shall set you free.”   Within that journey we will find greater joy and well being.

Know that you are Loved,  Rev. Barb

What we Resist – Persists

heart math, what is heart math, spiritual counselor, spiritual counseling, spiritual growth, emotional freedomHaving an open heart around our hidden resistance, helps us to gently approach the inner blocks to our greater good.  Are you willing to get a handle on yourself and open up to your greatest potential?  The benefit shows up in my life when I am willing to look into the mirror of my thoughts, attitudes and feeling and see what I am resisting and open up my heart and surrender to the growth that is most needed.  I seek to create a coherent balance between my heart and my mind.

If we are ready and prepared for growth, we wouldn’t need the universe to “push us with pain,” because we would be willing to go where the resistance is.  We are being guided by our higher selves that will keep us on the treadmill until we open up the doors within us that we have glued shut.

My greatest gift comes when I am being receptive to Spirit every moment I can.  The divine shines the light of awareness and it is up to us to be open, flexible and willing.

In the silence of our own hearts, we can reach an inner peace as we face the places in ourselves that we still need to grow in.  Be willing.  It is so much easier to be open to the guidance that Spirit is always providing.  All of our challenges are a call to our Higher Selves.

Know that you are Loved,   Rev. Barb